Three Men Caught Fishing Octopus and Limpets Illegally in Güimar

Agents from the Civil Guard have caught three individuals who were reportedly engaging in illegal fishing in a prohibited zone along the coast of Güimar without the necessary licence or buoy marking. They were found in possession of six octopuses, totalling eight kilos, as well as two kilos of limpets.

In light of these events, a total of nine infractions were reported, with three attributed to each individual, as stipulated in Law 17/2003, dated April 10, regarding Fishing in the Canary Islands.

These infractions include the absence of the required fishing licence, the lack of regulatory signage during fishing activities, and conducting fishing in a zone prohibited for this purpose.

According to the regulations set forth in this law, infractions can be classified as minor, resulting in a warning or a fine ranging from 60 to 300 euros; serious, incurring fines from 301 to 60,000 euros; or very serious, with penalties ranging from 60,001 to 300,000 euros.

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