Maritime Rescue Saves Over 60 Migrants from Canoe Near El Hierro


On Saturday morning, Maritime Rescue intercepted a canoe carrying between 60 and 70 migrants while it was navigating approximately ten miles south of La Restinga (El Hierro).

As reported by the national agency, at approximately 9:30 a.m., 112 Canarias received a communication regarding an irregular vessel that had entered El Hierro via a repeater, although no specific location was provided.

In response, the Maritime Rescue centre in Tenerife deployed the Salvamar Acrux and alerted vessels in the vicinity to remain particularly vigilant to report any sightings.

Subsequently, the Civil Guard detected an echo on the radar in the southern part of the island that might correspond to the cayuco. The maritime resource proceeded to the site and located the boat to escort it to port, where the official migrant headcount will be conducted.

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