Curbelo Calls Canary Islands-PP Agreement “Compelling” for Its Decision-Making Pressure


The parliamentary representative for the Gomera Socialist Group (ASG) and president of the Cabildo, Casimiro Curbelo, remarked on Wednesday that the arrangement reached between the Government of the Canary Islands and the PP is “notable” as it compels all parties, primarily the PSOE, to “make decisions.”

“No one has the justification of being unaware of what the Popular Party is requesting. The Popular Party, which abstained from voting on the amendment to the law, has outlined everything it seeks, which is beneficial for us to understand its intentions,” he stated in a communiqué issued by the party.

Consequently, he believes it is vital for the Spanish Government to “initiate a dialogue aimed at reaching agreements and convening meetings to either modify or at least ascertain that they will accept unaccompanied migrant minors.”

Curbelo pointed out that “the Canary Islands cannot endure the current situation it is facing, particularly with the knowledge that it is only going to worsen.”

In this context, he emphasised that the arrangement is “timely” for the PP, as it places both the Government and the PSOE in a “position of obligation” since their proposals are now out in the open, thus “a move must be made to achieve an agreement.”

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